Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Squishy Bags

So I've seen different types of sensory bags but they are usually bigger or taped to the ground, table, or wall. I wanted a sensory bag to go so Biggs can keep them in his backpack for our outings. These are so fun and educational but still super cheap and easy to make!

Here's what you need:

Hair gel (got mine from the dollar store)
Plastic freezer bags (you can use sandwich bags but they are thinner and may not hold up after multiple uses)
Food coloring (optional)
Craft supplies (pom poms, googly eyes, stickers, glitter, confetti, sequins, yarn, letters, etc... possibilities are endless)

I just fill the bag a 1/4 of the way with clear hair gel, add a few drops of whatever color you want, and add your goodies. Squeeze out the air, zip it, and tape it on all sides just to be safe! Voila!

There are so many games you can play with these and it really is fun to squish around and keeps kids and adults busy.

Hide & Seek: Push all the items under the tape on all the sides and ask the child/children to find the hidden or a specific hidden object.

Spell it!: If you make a letter one put all the letters or the alphabet plus some and you can find letters to spell words.

Sorting: Sort colors together, numbers, shapes, etc...

Have fun and experiment with different colors and objects in your travel sensory bags!

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